Selasa, 10 November 2015

Membuat Program Peminjaman Buku Perpustakaan Dengan C++

Creating Loan Program With C ++ Library Books

Creating Program Loan Book Library With a C ++  - okay met again with my blogger who are beginners, this time I will give an article in incidentally also is the task of UAS me of lecturers, and may also be useful for agan who is looking for examples codingan Making Book Library Loan Program With C ++, then this could be a reference for agan,,

okay just How does the procedure of borrowing a book in a library, ???

For example, suppose I were a borrower, I first entered the library, look for books I want, if it can, then take the book to the table guards library, then guard it fills information ourselves constantly checking the code book, if it is listed, it will continue to Compositions lending fee and then print the card borrowing which contents information ourselves, a point of interest books, and subtle element peminkaman. Then we pay the cost to take a loan card, take the book, go out and finish. 

Previously this was flowchart for a program that will be made later, flowchartnya pretty basic, because the program is only a simple library that only has a book-lending feature, it can only borrow one book alone.

 Flowchart (Making Book Library Loan Program With C ++)

Codingan in C ++ (Making Book Library Loan Program With C ++)

And this is a program Results From codingan already made,,

maybe that much that I can give may be useful for agan who are looking for an example codingan Makes Loan Program Book Library In C ++, if there is a shortage could make a comment on the bottom of the column,,

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